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Julie Ann Art

Weekend on the East Coast

It seems weird to do a weekend update post on Wednesday but that is just where I’m at right now. We made a quick trip to the east coast Friday-Monday to visit J’s family. The weather was a little dreary but it didn’t stop us from getting out on the boat (J wakeboarded, the crazy!), going kayaking, and shooting some guns.

We had a lot of fun relaxing, bonding and catching up with fam. There was a lot of wedding talk, which is always exciting. :] And I got to try Maryland blue crab for the first time after hearing J talk about how good it was for 4 years. Nomnom!

We got home Monday morning and it has taken me a day or so to get back on track. We have been so busy lately and it has been challenging for me. I am trying to improve my time management skills. I really feel like they have been lacking lately as I juggle so many things.

Having wedding planning looming over my head does not make the balancing act easier. I guess that’s why people hire coordinators, huh? Ah decisions, decisions. Did you know I’m like the worst decision maker, ever? Just ask J. He will tell you how he leaves me to myself while we are grocery shopping because it’s hard for him to watch me spend 10 minutes picking out soap. No lie. Decisions are hard for me.

How was your weekend? Or…how has your week been? What’s new? Tell me what’s up! xo JA

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  • Glad you enjoyed MD! Where does J’s family live? Sorry the weather was kinda crappy for your visit here, but that’s pretty much par for the course 😉 One day sunny and 75, the next, depressing and 50 – literally.

    Currently in the midst of planning my May wedding. And wishing our budget was unlimited so I could just pay someone to do it all for me. I’m awful at making decisions, but a control freak at the same time — so it’s been painful to say the least. But it will be worth it in the end — or at least thats what I keep telling myself 😉

    Good luck, love following along!

  • looks like you had a great weekend! im playing the same productivity catch up game too, after two super busy birthday weekends in a row.

    good luck with your wedding planning! i know it can be really rough, but if i can get through it (and id be willing to bet im worse with decisions than you are), im sure youll do great!

  • i am terrible at decisions too.

    decisions paralyze me.

  • Haha, I’m the same at the grocery store.
    This weekend we got ourselves a new pup! She’ll a huge handful but we love her to death and hopefully we’ll all settle in together soon. Also…. I put in my notice at my current job today. Transitioning to something much different but far better.
    So…. pretty crazy weekend!

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