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Outfit Details – Bullet Earrings c/o Crave, Dress: ASOS, Shoes: Target, Bracelet: Target

Lately I’ve been:

Spending time with my friend visiting from out of town
Recovering from my first craft show of the year
Basking in the California sun when I get the chance
Putting off getting my car smog tested (ugh)
Getting new cards ready to list in the shop
Feeling excited for Renegade San Fran with Erika
Planning my trip home to Michigan next month
Dreaming of fruity drinks somewhere tropical
What about you? How was your Memorial Day weekend? Do anything fun? I’m currently in “catch up mode” but I wanted to give you a quick update on what’s been going on over here. xo JA
P.S. Don’t forget to enter to win a custom Instagram photo ring here!

Don’t forget! Google Reader is peacin’ out! Be sure to:
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