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5 Things You Don’t Know About Me

My friend Emily tagged me in a 5 Things You Don’t Know About Me post (like two weeks ago, I’m a slow poke) and I thought that would be fun! It reminded me of my Five Facts Friday posts I wrote back when I first started blogging and was trying to help readers get to know me more. It’s been a long time since I’ve done a post like that so I though this idea would be perfect. Here we go (and thanks to J for helping me with these):

1. I have an obsession with classic cars – Gimme a 1964 Mustang. No seriously, gimme. I would take a 2013 Dodge Challenger too but there is something about an old ass muscle car that gets me excited. I pretty much cannot go passed one without ooing and aahing. Maybe it’s my Detroit roots, I don’t know. I will own one, one day.

Shirt c/o Rags & Threads ( 20% of with/code JAART20)

2. I can flare my nostrils like nobody’s business – Attractive, let me tell you. I’m not sure when I discovered this “talent.” I’m pretty sure when I was younger I was told my nostrils would “get stuck that way.” Jordan says he’s “in awe” of my “nostril control” although he “doesn’t necessarily find it attractive.” He may not admit this, but he definitely has tried to match me in my nostril flaring abilities, to no avail. If you and I were to meet in person, and you asked me to show off this skill, I would very most likely smile and refuse.

3. I tend to fall asleep during movies – Ok in my defense, this is only in regards to when I’m watching a movie on TV in the comfort of a home. Wait, that’s a lie. I definitely fell asleep in the theater to Eat Pray Love, and quite possibly, multiple midnight showings. But the majority of the time, it is on the couch, cuddled up on Jordan’s shoulder, with Penny snuggled up under a blanket with me. And I mean, can you blame me for feeling so comfortable and cozy that I drift off into a relaxed sleep?

4. I’m not into makeup – Sure, I wear it if I’m going out at night or on the weekends. But I’m not into owning a ton of makeup brushes and experimenting with eye shadows. The “fanciest” I get is winging some black eyeliner or adding some lipstick. I like to stick to the basics and attempt to embrace my “natural beauty.” Unless it’s Halloween. Then I go all out to embrace my costume (past costumes have included Ms. Pacman, “struck by lightning,” the Tooth Fairy, an 80’s Prom Queen – too bad I don’t have photos because that makeup was intense.)

5. I have eczema – (Eczema is a dry, itchy, rash-like skin condition.) I suffered from it as a kid, then it went away, and according to my dermatologist it often comes back in adults (lucky me). I regularly deal with it on my hands. Cutting up fruits and vegetables aggravates it and I often have to ask J to do the chopping, unless I have a pair of vinyl gloves on hand to protect myself. Yep, I cut veggies in gloves. New fashion trend? I wonder if I’ll ever be able to carve a pumpkin without ending up trying not to rip my hands off from the itchiness. Right now I just try to use medicated creams and a lot of self control to protect my hands and not make the rash worse (and sometimes J will swat at my hands when he sees my itching).

That was fun! Thanks for tagging me Emily! How did I do? Do you feel like you know me now? ;]

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Join the discussion 24 Comments

  • Amy says:

    So surprised by number 4! And number two is so funny!

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  • I do the same thing to my boyfriend! Falling asleep while we watch movies, that is. We usually put a flick in late at night when we are done with the day’s activities, and by then I’m so beat that I just drift right off and leave him to watch the movie alone. Poor thing, haha.

  • Hubs has eczema. His flares up about a week after he’s been extremely stressed. Poor guy.

  • gina says:

    loved this! emily tagged me too….I have been trying to come up with 5 things people don’t know. i feel like i share everything :).

  • Bev Feldman says:

    Haha, loved #2! And I also fall asleep during movies (usually just when I’m home). Though I can pretty much fall asleep wherever.

  • Emily says:

    Simple makeup is the way to go 🙂 I’m not obsessed with classic cars, but I do love me a classic mustang! My sister had really bad eczema on her hands, so I know it can be really miserable. Have you ever tried tea trea oil? I’ve heard it really helps for some people.

  • I haven’t worn make up in over a year! Best decision ever. Also, you are totally so beautiful! its been awhile since I’ve seen a close up shot of your face on here–and you are stunning! perfect tan, too!

  • Cody Doll says:

    Very cute pictures and information. I love others that don’t wear make up. Not that wearing any is wrong but I think natural is better.

  • Camille says:

    I love getting to know my favorite bloggers a little better. This was fun to read!

  • Eek I get eczema too on my hands. Only I have never been able to figure out what causes it… It just seems to randomly pop up every so often and is the worst ever. Swollen itchy fingers ew!
    This was great and I feel like I know you better 😉
    Xo Dana

  • My husband falls asleep during movies, it drives me bonkers! 🙂 Also, that drink looks delish!

    xo, Courtney

  • Micha says:

    I too have the ol’ eczema on my hands and it flares mainly in the winter months and dude, my hands will bleed, it sucks. I also unfortunately gave it to all 3 of my boys, poor kids. They seem to have outgrown it for the most part. Thanks for sharing your 5 facts 🙂

  • I don’t really wear makeup either. Only for pictures or important events. Even then, it’s usually just concealer, mascara and eye liner. I never wear lipstick, because every time I see someone wear it, I end up seeing them eating it (after they eat or drink it’s gone!!) and then it makes me think how much lipstick they must be eating… scary!! No thanks! Lol.

    Love, Moon
    blog | twitter

  • Love it! I’m glad you came up with some fun five things, lady!! 🙂 Definitely feel like I know you a little better.

  • My massage therapist had same issue with his hands, saw a homeopath and has been fine ever since!

  • chelsea says:

    Oh goodness, I’m the same way with cars! 1970 Dodge Challenger is my dream! Most of my fam on my dad’s side are/have been race car drivers or stunt drivers so that’s where I get my addiction from. The new renditions of them look nice too but I’m a sucker for a classic car. Studebakers, Mustangs, Stingrays…I swoon!

  • Tagg says:

    I think there is a positive correlation between age and falling asleep watching movies. Haha kidding! :)) I always fall asleep in theatres, my money is mostly spent on the seats and air-conditioning. LOL. :)))

    Nice post! 🙂


  • Love love love this post. I fall asleep during every movie too. at least if we’re at home 🙂 and I am a professional nose flarer as well. Everyone knows if I flare it, I dont like something.

  • I’m with ya on the make up thing. The only thing I know how to do is mascara, and even doing that I end up poking myself in the eye haha

  • where is the pic of you flaring your nostrils?! i’m pretty good at it too… 🙂

    Sandy a la Mode

  • BakingSuit says:

    I’m in the adult eczema club too and let me tell you it sucks. I have the kind that comes out after exposure to allergens (inside/outside/animals as my husband likes to say) and/stress with blisters.

    I’ve found some relief with rosemary soap/oil though. Oh! And ice packs and Advil for the really painful days and swelling

  • Andrea says:

    I was led to your blog while looking for couple costumes! (I so want to do the Pacman and Ms. Pacman costumes!) Anyway, this post was just below the costume post, and I skimmed through it when the eczema thing caught my attention. I’m like you. Had it as a kid, it went away, and it slowly came back as an adult. In the last few years, I had a blood test done to test for food sensitivities. Through that, I learned I have a sensitivity to vanilla flavoring. The real stuff, not the imitation stuff. And when I eliminate vanilla, my itchy hands go away! I would have never figured that out without that test. I indulged during vacation a couple weeks ago, and my hands flaired back up around the time I got home. It’s a delayed reaction. I believe it is some type of “leaky gut syndrome” or something. Just wanted to share that in case it helps you! Now I’m off to convince my husband we need to make Pacman costumes!

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