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Daily LifeInstagrams

Christmas In Instagrams

Hi! How was your Christmas? Mine was nice, pretty low-key. That tends to happen when you don’t have any immediate family within 3k miles of you (sad face). Jordan and I spent Christmas Eve night and Christmas Day with his sister, brother-in-law, and adorable niece Bella. Other than that, we pretty much just enjoyed doing nothing but getting fat on yummy foods. Here’s a glimpse through Instagram photos. Do you follow me? Username: julieannart!
1.) We went out with our friend who was in town on Saturday. I contemplated wearing a Santa hat.
2.) I’ve been doing daily sneak peeks of my Valentine’s Day line! Very exciting time for me!
3.) My Dad always sends me the sweetest cards.
4.) I got my new JustLovely headband on Christmas Eve! LOVE it! You can get it here.
5.) Penny in a Santa hat. Cutest thing ever?
6.) Most of Christmas Day was spent like this.
What did you do to celebrate Christmas? Big family gathering? Or pretty low key? Either way, I hope it was wonderful! xo JA

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