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Daily Life

DIY Grapefruit Sugar Lip Scrub

Colleen from Paisley Boulevard is here today with an amazing lip scrub recipe! I have actually never used a lip scrub but the idea sounds amazing. I love me some exfoliation and if it’s going to make my lips extra soft that’s an added bonus! Here’s Colleen.

Hi guys! This sweet concoction was inspired by 2 things. My new favorite breakfast food (who knew grapefruit was so dang yummy? I feel like I found a long lost friend!) and my poor peeling lips. They have not been loving the fluctuation in temperatures around here, that’s for certain, so I have had lots of peelsies to deal with. Makes for a yucky lipstick base if ya know what I’m sayin’.
This mixture amps up the moisture for your lips with vitamin E and the grapefruit not only adds sweet flavor, but an extra element of exfoliation as well. If your mix gets a little too juicy, scoop the scrub into a paper towel and kinda wring it out a bit. Add the vitamin e last, use a sharp knife or pin to get the goods out of the cap. Make sure your grapefruit juice is from an actual grapefruit and not out of a carton of pink grapefruit juice cocktail or some other whatnot.

This scrub keeps nicely for a week in the fridge. Use it every day for a baby soft and icky peely-skin free pucker! Let me know if you give it a go! xoxo, Colleen

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