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I’ve gotten lots of requests for this tutorial! We did the best we could to demonstrate how this tooth costume was made while actually not having it anymore. (Dare I say, it was too big, Penny wanted to make it her bed, and we threw it out?)

2 long pillows
1 big needle
thick white thread
1.) Sew the edges of the pillows together, alternating between long pillows and regular pillows to create a “cube shape.”
2.) Cut up the bottoms of the long pillows and shape the corners to form the roots, then sew edges.
3.) Cut armholes towards the top of the pillow (you may want to step into the cube to get correct placement), then sew edges.
4.) Cut a hole in the middle of the white sheet (that your head will fit through).
5.) Put the tooth on. Put your head through the hole in the white sheet and let the rest of the sheet fall over the tooth. Adjust for comfort and look. Have a friend pin the sheet into place all around the tooth. You will have to cut excess sheet away and tuck it under the edges and pin to get a finished look.
6.) Carefully take it off and sew the sheet in place very securely, then remove pins.
The crown is optional. While Jordan was going for a tooth that had a crown, this did throw off quite a few drunk guys at the bar. “Hey! The Tooth King! Cooool!” Yeah no.
All illustrations c/o Jordan. :]
Good luck! E-mail me if you have any questions. And don’t forget to check out our other costume tutorial: Pacman and Ms. Pacman!
I love it! You two are so creative :).
This is an amazing idea! I’ve always had this weird fascination with teeth, so I might try to convince the boyfriend and I to do this for Halloween!
Life Unsweetened
Awesome tutorial! You guys are the king and queen of the couples’ costume 🙂
love it! Thanks for sharing!
haha I love this so much, great job and thanks for sharing!
thanks for sharing. Your costumes are so cute. I really love your expression in the photo.
That’s awesome!!! Totally want to do this! 🙂
Awwwh, I love it!<3 I might get rid of my useless pillows to do this DIY tooth fairy costume, thanks for sharing! 🙂
Samantha x
PS: I love your blog and your handmade greeting cards by the way 🙂 !
Adorable! I love when couples wear matching costumes.
I love it! I am a dental hygienist and my husband is going to school to be a dentist! Haha perfect for us!
Im a dental assistant and my boyfriend is A dental technician making dental crowns and bridges, I just finsihed it and it looks amazing!!!! Cant wait for Halloween!
That’s awesome, I would love to see photos!!
What size sheet?
i want to know how you put yours together! the tooth fairy 🙂
Did you find an adult tutu or make it yourself?
Im totally doing this this year. I wanted to
Ask you what shoes you wore. I’m wearing fishnets and was thinking of a cute white ballet slipper with white ribbons lacing up my shins…but just wanted to check with the original 🙂
Thanks so much!
Hi there, I wore ballet flats that I covered in glitter! Good luck, and I’d love to see pictures!
where did or how did you make your fairy costume from?
What size sheet did you use??
This is a great idea, and great instructions! My daughter want to have a theme costume with her little brother. When I showed her your tutorial she went nuts! She found a blue fairy costume on etsy.com and we used smaller pillows since her littler brother is only two and it is turning out so cute! Thank you for putting your great ideas on here, it has made our halloween!
What did you use to make the tooth wand?
I rolled up a piece of paper tightly and then filled it with hot glue for the stem. When the hot glue was dry I added glitter to it using spray adhesive. Then I just drew a tooth on paper, cut it out, and glued it top. Added a little ribbon and that was it!
how did you make the tooth wand? I’m doing a last minute tooth fairy costume & the only thing left to make is the wand. Thank you
I made a tooth wand last night…just bought a cheap wand (with a star on the end) from the costume store, then traced a tooth on card stock, cut it out and used Elmer’s glue and glued the cutouts on each side. I also took rhinestones and glued them around each outline on the card stock cutouts
Ok so I made this tooth last night and it took 9 hours and I am not great at sewing but it turned out pretty good. We have 2 parties so I hope it holds up. Yours is so smooth and even though I ironed the sheet, mine is a little wrinkled. I made a fairy costume inspired by yours but then I added a pink tool belt with pliers in it and money as well. I bought wings, wand, crown and then I bought these plastic teeth and made a tooth choker and tooth bracelet. I also bought spray body glitter. I’m pretty excited about showing off our costumes. Thanks for the amazing idea!!!!
Just finished my tooth! If I would change anything about the tutorial, I would have cut/sewn the roots before I sewed the pillows together! It was hard maneuvering a huge cube of pillows to do that part – possibly the arm holes too. It was a lot more work intensive than I anticipated but I am very happy with the result. Thanks so much for sharing!! Can’t wait to show it off at the Halloween Party tonight.
OMG you’re amazing.. I mean you are so creative
This is SO fun!!! I loved it so much, I totally copied you. 🙂 Come check it out if you want! http://www.missloviecreations.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-tooth-fairy-and-her-tooth-costumes.html I made sure to link back to you in my post.:) Happy Halloween!
thanks for share.
I’m going to try to attempt this halloween costume for me and my bf this year. I hope I can get it right. thanks <3 for sharing
I’m going to try to attempt this halloween costume for me and my bf this year. I hope I can get it right. thanks <3 for sharing
I loved your unique and creative costumes and had to add you to my round-up, “87 Creative Halloween Couples Costumes” (http://www.thedatingdivas.com/holidays/halloween/87-creative-couples-costumes/). Thanks for being awesome and Happy Halloween from The Dating Divas xox
Does anyone have an easy way of cutting out the arm holes?
We’re going to give it a whirl WITHOUT the armholes. Our plan is to make straps so that the pillows (tooth) fits under the arms – held up by tank stye straps. Hopefully it will cut out a lot of time consuming sewing but still look good! We’ll see!
This is so cute! Just one question…What size guy does the tooth fit?
me and my boyfriend did this year, tonight is the first halloween party! so excited!
My boyfriend and I are going to a party as this tonight! Thank you so much for the wonderful idea! It also made me learn how to sew 😉 Thank you again!
Took about 5 hours. 8$ at Salvation Army. Such a creative idea.
Thanks for posting the image and instructions!
We won cutest couple with this 😊
wow!!!innovative idea..I really appreciate for your work
Excellent post! I like this…Thanks for sharing!
Would pillow cases stuffed with stuffing not be easier??? I am about to attempt this and want the easiest way possible
I have to make a tooth costume for my honors anatomy class (organ display project) and this is going to help me out so much! I’ll let you know when I get my A at the end of this grading period. I’ll have to create an anatomically correct interior view but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it! Thank you guys so much for this amazing tutorial, it is going to save my grade. You two are an adorable couple!
I think too many steps on this. Best to empty out contents of pillow before sewing sided and put filling back in before sewing up any loose edges..then it will be unessary for adding a sheet. Or buy pilot cases and fiberfill. Sewing is less cumbersome. We made it, however, our own way and turned out cute.