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Renegade Fair Favorites

Jordan and I went up to L.A. for the Renegade Fair this past weekend. I always love checking out other people’s handmade work and getting inspiration from their displays. I have never been to Renegade before but it introduced me to a lot of new businesses that are from outside of California. I absolutely love the idea of traveling around the country for shows! Maybe someday. ;]

Here are some of my favorites from the show: 
Adored the simplicity of the jewelry from Upper Metal Class.
I seriously drooled over the bags from Shelter Protects You for a long time (we were actually approached twice while standing in the booth by people wondering what kind of dog Penny was (alien dog)!
Really fun and unique dinnerware from Folded Pigs.
I love the delicate jewelry from Topiary Designs. I have seen them at other local shows and always take a gander.
Jordan bought a cutting board from 1337 Motif. It’s very durable and heavy.
See anything you like? xo JA

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