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DIY Tutorials

Couples Halloween Costume: DIY Pacman

As Halloween approaches, I have been seeing our Halloween costume from last year spread across Pinterest. This makes me feel a little awkward, considering I’m hanging out in a tutu with pink tights.
While I loved this costume, I wanted to share my favorite costume we made (and give you an idea of how we made it). This was our first Halloween together and I’m not sure where we came up with the idea, but after a lot of brainstorming (we take this holiday seriously) we landed on Pacman and Miss Pacman.

Let me give you an idea of how we made these. We started at Home Depot. We ended up buying huge pieces of foam board (it appears they serve some kind of insect insulation purpose….gross). Then, we snuck the lid of a garbage can from the store and brought it outside to trace the circle shape onto the foam board. We used a box cutter to cut out the shape, and added a triangular mouth. (We returned the lid, I swear.)

Then we stocked up on: scissors, yellow felt, black felt, red felt, yellow embroidery thread, needles, glue, and thick bands to use for the straps. We were coming up with ideas as we went along so there was no real plan. There was a lot of measuring and cutting, a lot of trial and error.

We glued the yellow felt onto the foam circles first. (If I was going to do anything different I would’ve covered both sides of the foam). Then we sewed yellow felt rectangles to each circle in order to connect them. This was probably the most difficult step, as we had to be sure there our bodies would fit between. We connected the triangular mouth are using black felt. Then we added the straps at the top that would help the costume hang from our shoulders. This was all done with a quick and dirty stitch, we weren’t trying to be perfect.

Then comes the part….adding the eyes, lips, tongues and don’t forget the mole for Ms. Pacman!

These photos were taking more recently, but on that Halloween we also wore white gloves, and I had a red bow in my hair. We were a huge hit and kept getting asked to take our photos.
I hope you liked this! Do you know what you’re going to be for Halloween yet? Do you make your own? Jordan and I have been brainstorming for this year’s costume!

Join the discussion 29 Comments

  • Gina says:

    you guys are so freakin’ cute.

  • Allie says:

    you are my hero this is hilarious!

  • Jessica says:

    Love it. I can’t wait to see this years. I think that the tooth fairy costume is actually how I originally started following your blog!

  • Valeri says:

    That’s so funny that you posted this, I just started following you last night after seeing the tooth fairy costumes pinned on Pinterest!


  • pretty dang cute!
    we were mario kart one year and it was so much fun.

    xo the egg out west.

  • Mrs. Fun says:

    I die!! I want to do this and make our 4 kids the ghost! I love it!!

  • Quirks says:

    That’s an amazing idea! I love Halloween even though it’s not as big here in the UK. I don’t know what my costume is yet – but I’ve seen awesome ones on Pinterest 🙂 x

  • Absolutely adorable!! ^.^

  • Megan says:

    Oh my gosh! I love this costume idea so much… great reminder that I need to start brainstorming for this year! My favorite ever costume was a lion (I teased and pinned my hair all around my head as the lion’s mane– awesome that night, not so fun the next morning!)


  • Angie Bailey says:

    Squeeee, that’s ADORABLE!!! Jen and I love Halloween, it’s our favorite holiday (well, Samhain and Halloween combined.) This year, we’re also going as game characters – Jen will be Princess Daisy and I, Princess Peach, from the Mario series! I actually just ordered her a custom made, so it’ll fit her perfectly, dress from eBay. Cannot wait!!! I’ve also ordered my Peach wig and will soon order my own custom made dress!!!

  • your costumes are so mind blowing! this might be my favorite one yet!

  • Absolutely unquestionably cute!

  • Anonymous says:

    Hiii! Me and my fiancé made this costume for Halloween this year 🙂 Our costume turned out pretty well, thank you so much for your tutorial! People were pretty impressed that we made it ourselves. Thanks again! Margaret

  • Anonymous says:

    My Boyfriend and I made this costume this year thanks to you!! Hopefully when we go out tonight its a huge hit!!

  • I loved your unique and creative costumes and had to add you to my round-up, “87 Creative Halloween Couples Costumes” ( Thanks for being awesome and Happy Halloween from The Dating Divas xox

  • Cassie says:

    Where did you find your yellow felt? haha when I think of felt I see the small squares, what you have is huge and cover it all! also how much would you say this costume cost over all the make? I love it!

  • Dani says:

    How large were these costumes? I’m trying to make some for my boyfriend and I and I can’t decide what a good size would be.

  • Elizabeth says:

    I’m curious to know what time of glue you used to stick the felt to the insulation board. Also, how did you secure the straps to the board?

  • Crista says:

    OMG Hilarious! I love it! My BF is obsessed with Ms. Pacman….. do I dare show up as her on Halloween?

  • Liz says:

    My husband and I are doing this and we are making our daughter a piece of fruit (a cherry)! Love your blog!

  • Lupita says:

    Thanks so much for this. .thanks to you my family is doing a pacman theme! My 6 year old is pacman,5yr old Blinky ,2yr old a cherry (tutu,dots and bow included)my hubby as Inky and me as the Blue ghost (the one they turn in to)

  • Kurt says:

    Actually in the process of making mine now. I’m improving on them just a bit though. And if I have enough time I’m going to also have them eating some dots which will be white battery operated lights. Wish I had a way to put photos up here for everybody. They’re going to turn out pretty nice. Great holoween idea!

    • Kurt says:

      By the way if you really want a great way to apply the felt to the foam board use this product below! Made making the costumes a breeze. Instead of attaching my felt to each side of the foam board to make up the front and back walls i instead decided to use 1/8″ pegboard since it can be bent and used this same tape to apply the felt to that as well. I used very small angle brackets and some countersunk hardware attaching it to the foam board and then covered the hardware with the same color felt or underneath the lips This way they are rigid. We were having issues with them staying cynical looking as we were building them so I opted to make them more rigid. Also the mouthpieces I backed the felt with cardboard so the mouths were nice and flat and straight as well. I did most of the build while my girl cut out all the facial features. This tape is also awesome for gluing felt to felt. Very easy to use and sticks great. Will last a lot longer than hot glue. Plus hot glue has a tendency to melt into the foam board or screw up the felt. This makes wrapping the foam around whatever you want simple. I did completely wrap my foam board. They’re turning out quite nice. Couple more hours I should have them done just ran out of time this last weekend.
      Total cost for building these about $20 a costume since I already had the tape at work. One roll of the double-sided glue tape is more than enough to build a pair. I used the 2 inch wide 60 yard roll. If we ever have a group I will definitely build the ghosts for them. One year we did a herd of sheep and Little Bo Peep. Bo Peep was about a 300 lb biker friend of mine with a zz top beard. We actually got him a dress in a full pink dress ballerina footies and he even had a staff for the sheep LOL his girlfriend built his costume and the Sheep were real easy. Just spray glued a bunch of cotton balls too some sweat suits and then my sister made some ears with coat hangers and felt and then she came up with a great idea making our noses out of Solo cups making them two piece so they would move when we talk. They were hilarious. We were the hit of the party and took first place with those. We had a blast.

      Have fun making these….we did!

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