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Etch Films

Etch Films

I have a video for you today!! So excited to share! I previously mentioned that Jordan and I had the honor of shooting a gala for the local children’s hospital. We have primarily shot weddings in the past, so this was a new venture for us. I was extremely nervous and was totally questioning my shooting abilities. Then we got there, all that went out the window and we went to WORK!
I think it was my initial doubt in myself that made me extra proud of how this video turned out. Jordan did a great job with the editing and I’m really happy to be a part of EtchFilms.

EtchFilms also has a brand new website and facebook page. They are still in the beginning stages but we are working hard at kicking this company off and would love your support! There’s a lot more to come, including more videos to be shared, promise.

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