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Christmas Traditions

Throughout the years, my traditions for the Christmas holiday have changed. Obviously, things like my parent’s divorce and my move across country have put a damper on what my Christmas traditions were as a child. Since I have only been in California for a couple Christmases, and this is my first one living with Jordan, I have yet to build my “traditions” here. I do, however, have a few things that I specifically associate, and celebrate, the Christmas season with.
Bing Crosby – His deep, rich voice always reminds me of Christmas. I love my Bing Crosby Holiday station on Pandora. :]
Starbuck’s Peppermint Mocha Latte – My mouth is watering now. This is my drink of choice this season. There’s something so cozy about holding a warm Peppermint Mocha in my glove-covered hands on a chilly December day!
The Lights – I am loving decorating our house with lights this year!! I sort of want to leave them all year round, but that would make them less special for the Christmas season I suppose. We have a huge palm tree in our front yard that Jordan wants to wraps with lights. He keeps talking about ‘building a harness’ for himself, as though to help him shimmy up the tree. No thanks, I like my boyfriend with no broken bones.
White Christmas – I think this movie may have been the start of my love for Bing Croby. My cousin and I would watch this movie all the time at my Grandma’s house when we were kids (as in all year round, not just at Christmas time). It will always have a special place in my heart!
She + Him Christmas Edition – I have a girl crush on Zoey Deschanel. There I said it. Not only am I in love with her new show, New Girl, but I love this album!
Aw, now I feel all warm and fuzzy! I love this time of year. Although how I celebrate my Christmases has continued to change, I always look forward to my favorite Christmas things! Do you have ongoing traditions this season?

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  • lolly says:

    I have a post like this planned, too! Can’t wait to share it.

    As you know, I’m in the same boat as you. I’ve been out here for 5 Christmases now and still haven’t built many new traditions. A and I are starting small with buying an ornament together every year. Other than that, I have nothing.

    I can’t believe Christmas will be here in 12 days!

  • I also have a girl crush on Zooey Deschanel, how can you not?! and of course, I love all of these things.

    In a few days, I’m going to post something like this too. Its so sweet to see other people’s traditions and share yours :]

  • Libby's Life says:

    Oh I have girl Crushes on Jessica Simpson, Kristen Bell & Lauren Conrad so I know the feeling. 🙂 I even did a post about it a couple months ago. So don’t feel badly!!! I think all of us girls have girl crushes on someone 😉 it’s just a fact of life.

  • ElleSee says:

    Bing is also a big part of my Christmas traditions as well. His Christmas album is the first one I play, and I watch White Christmas every year. It brings back warm memories of watching it with my childhood best friend 🙂

  • Rachel W K says:

    those are great things to look forward to! your puppy looks so adorable gazing at all those lights. it’s been fun to build new thanksgiving and christmas traditions with my hubby since we can’t fly home for those!

  • Gentri says:

    Bing Crosby… Always been my favorite. I watched White Christmas this last Sunday. 🙂 My favorite Christmas movie, HANDS DOWN!

  • My parents are divorced (since I was 3) and on opposite sides of the country. And I just moved in with my fella 3 months ago (and we’re SUPER broke) and so no special Christmas this year. But I’m excited also to start traditions. 🙂

  • Sammy Malone says:

    Couldn’t agree more about watching White Christmas. My mom, sister and I always watch it during the Christmas season, I know it’s not the most popular holiday movie but it holds so many special memories for me. And WHO doesn’t have a girl crush on Zooey Deschanel 😉

  • Nev says:

    @Sammy I don’t ;p

    But I love Bing’s music and thanks to this post have now discovered Zooey’s Christmas album. 😀


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