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DIY Tutorials

Candy Corn Nail Tutorial

Last week I mentioned a few nail art tutorials and this weekend I finally got around to trying out some nail art on my own nails. I wanted to make them Halloween-themed, probably orange and black, but while looking at all my nail polishes I stumbled upon the yellow shade I had. Then it hit me, candy corn nails! Maybe I would hate them, but maybe I would like them, so I knew I had to try it out. I got a little experimental and I’m not sure if this is the easiest way to paint your nails this way, but this is how I did it.

What you’ll need:
Orange polish
Yellow polish
White nail pen
Start out by painting your nails orange. Let your nails completely dry (I waited most of the day before moving to the next step). Then, wrap a piece of tape around your finger so that it is covering all of your nail except the base. Make sure you have a good seal between your nail and the tape.
Then paint over the area with your yellow nail polish. Wait until your nails are dry once again (I only waited about an hour this time) and peel off the tape. You should have a nice straight line of yellow on top of the orange.

Next I just took my white nail pen and carefully painted my nail tips white. Clean up around the edges a bit with some nail polish remover and a q-tip and you’re all set! You’ve got yourself some super festive nails for the Halloween holiday!

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