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Sponsor Spotlight: HaleyWilke

I’m so glad I met Haley through Etsy. She is so sweet, and I love her neck cowls and scarves. They are perfect for the upcoming Fall season! Be sure to check out her shop!
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Hello, I am Haley. I am twenty-six years old, and I currently live in Iowa with my husband and our two pets, Murphy (a mini-aussie) and one crabby kitty, Oscar. I was born and raised in Nebraska, where I met my husband in high school. I work full-time at a hospital, so I am very thankful for any time I get to be creative!

When did you start crocheting?
I learned to crochet at a very young age from my grandmother. Momo (as we call her) often babysat my siblings and I, and she was always creating something. Whether it be painting ceramics, sewing, crocheting, cooking or baking, she was always busy with something. I would sit and watch her crochet for hours. She taught me how to do chains at the age of 6 or 7. It wasn’t until I was about fifteen years old, on vacation with her in Colorado that crocheting became a big part of my life. She was making scarves for Christmas, and I learned some new stitches from her, and ever since then, I have been a bit obsessed. 🙂
What is your favorite item to create?
I really love to crochet scarves, hats and neck cowls. I love to see the progression of a project even if it means putting countless hours of work into one piece. I often try to incorporate different types of yarn into my projects to see how I can change the texture, or look of the finished piece. I also love sewing, and making burp cloths for babies is always so rewarding. Seeing someone use a burp cloth I made until it is practically falling apart is a good feeling.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
When I am not crocheting, or sewing I love to be outdoors with my husband and our dog Murphy. We love to take him for walks, or play outside. We have been renting an apartment for awhile now, so we try to get outside to give Murphy some exercise as often as we can. He has a lot of energy!
Show Haley some love! :]

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