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Daily Life

Weekend Trip

We had a really nice time in Catalina this weekend. It is a little island that’s an hour boat ride off the coast but I felt like I was so far away from California. This trip came at the perfect time for me. July has been a long, busy, stressful month. As my business grows, it’s getting harder to juggle everything I want to do for it on top of the overtime hours I’ve been putting in at my day job. I needed a break! This weekend had just the right amount of relaxation combined with adventure.

It was so beautiful! We went kayaking and the water was so clear, I could see massive kelp and orange fish below me as plain as day. I managed to snag a couple stills from the video we were shooting.
We also rented bikes and cruised around the town. And of course, to add to the relaxation, we had to enjoy a few of our favorite island drink, the lava flow. Delicious!
Now we’re home and it’s back to work! My craft show is Saturday so the rest of this week is going to be spent working on the finishing touches for my display and prepping plenty of inventory. I’m really excited about this show, and can’t wait to post photos of my display once it’s complete!
I’m also happy to say that Large Sponsor Spots for August have sold out! If you’re interested in advertising your blog or shop on Julie Ann Art for the month of August, there are still Small Spots available here! Otherwise, you can e-mail me to reserve a Large Sponsor Spot for September at julie.astra AT yahoo DOT com. xo

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