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Five Facts Friday

Five Facts Friday + Winner

I’m so glad it’s Friday! Today after work we take the flyer over to Catalina Island for a special anniversary weekend! Before I go, I want to announce the winner of my Sponsor Spot Giveaway! Let me just say, the response to this giveaway, along with the various e-mails I’ve been receiving, has been humbling. It’s very special to me that so many people want to join in on the ride of Julie Ann Art, in hopes of helping their blog or business! So, congratulations to #20, Wear The Canvas! I’ll e-mail you shortly!

For everyone else who is still interested in advertising through Julie Ann Art, don’t worry! Sponsor spots are extremely affordable! You can get more information here, or don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail at julie.astra AT yahoo DOT com!

1. I’m a huge sap. I haven’t always been this way. But in the last like five years I’ve turned into one of those girls who cries at movies, weddings, movies about weddings, American Idol episodes…yeah it’s BAD. I cried three times during the last Harry Potter movie.

2. I am so so bad at getting my picture taken. Just ask Jordan. We’ve had multiple attempts at photo shoots for blog-related things. They never end well. I’d rather be behind the camera.

3. I’m an organized messy person.

4. I have a pretty intense sweet tooth. Over the weekend I had a huge sugary craving and I threw together the only thing I could think of that we had ingredients for in the house. Sugar cookies. They were not so good. I need my chocolate.

5. I’m super indecisive. It’s pretty much a joke how long it takes me to decide say, which body wash to buy at the store. I can’t help it! All the different smells, and prices, and textures….there’s lots to base the decision on!

Have a great weekend! xo JA

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Shabby Life says:

    LOL! I think you pretty much described me…especially the crying part. I wept like a baby (I’m not exaggerating when I say WEPT!) at Toy Story 3. I mean, I was sobbing, kids around me were crying and/or staring at me…it was terrible.


  • Too funny about the sugar cookies. That happened to me, I kid you not a few weeks ago, it was 10 pm and I NEEDED sweets. Like you…I opted for sugar cookies because of the easy to come by ingredients! I added some vanilla and coconut flavoring though…yum! 🙂

  • weird amiga says:

    I’m convinced that the clerks at my regular stores and markets know me as the person who stands in place for half an hour, trying to decide between 2 practically identical products…
    I guess that makes me paranoid, as well!

  • I used to be a little bit of a sap, but after I had my baby girl I cry over Hallmark commercials!

  • i can agree on all of those points. I’ve definitely become more emotional with age — oh no! Menopause!

    and i hate being in front of the camera. it’s hard to get a pic of me with a normal face. usually my eyes are rolled or my tongue is out!

  • Jenna, I never thought of that! Next time I’ll through in some vanilla extract, thanks!

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