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Artist Feature + Giveaway: Folklure

The winner of last week’s giveaway is entry #29, Loraleigh ! Congratulations! Look out for an e-mail from Dala!
T H I S   W E E K ‘ S   G I V E A W A Y

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a young stay at home mom with a creative soul. In those magical naptime hours I turn my back to the cheerio and fingerpaint mess of my house to make jewelry pieces for my Etsy shop, Folklure. I am not only the mommy to ‘Terrible Two’ Evelyn and 11 month baby Flora, but I am also the proud wife of an Airman. I feel very lucky to be able to stay home to pursue my creative dreams and to care for my beautiful girls 🙂
How did you get into making jewelry?
I’m a capricious girl, so on a whim I decided to start making jewelry when a local craft store had a huge ‘jewelry supply’ sale. From there I practiced techniques and used different mediums, slowly starting to develop the style that is now Folklure. After receiving many compliments on my pieces I decided to close my Etsy shop at that time- a shop specializing in hand knit baby items, and in place start a new, jewelry focused one.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I have always been attracted to the metaphysical meanings of stones,herbs, stars, everything around us! So as my shop name suggests, I like to include the folklore of nature in my jewelry. I choose stones that have positive meanings, and create a piece of jewelry that evokes the true feeling of the stone.I focus on not just the materials but the wearer as well as I design my piece. I try to incorporate personalized hand stamped details in my jewelry in an effort to create a truly unique,personal accessory. Folklure is where whimsical meets practical- statement jewelry that is perfectly wearable in the everyday travels of life.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not designing jewelry?
Knitting, crochet, blogging, cross stitching and reading. I’ve been crocheting since I was a little girl and have been an avid knitter for the past year. Knitting unnecessary sweaters for my Vegas babies consumes more of my time then jewelry design. Oddly, I actually think of myself as more of a knitter, then a jewelry designer. I feel I sell jewelry pieces to buy more yarn for knitting!
H O W   T O   E N T E R:

1. Follow this blog and leave a comment below with your e-mail address.
E X T R A   C R E D I T:

1. Visit the Folklure shop and comment here with your favorite item.
2. Share this giveaway on TwitterPlease use this tweet:
I entered to win the coolest ring on @julieannart blog! 
3. Like this giveaway on Facebook using the share button below.
4. Become a fan of Folklure’s Facebook page .
5. Grab one of my buttons in the left column and share it on your blog.
Be sure to leave an additional comment for each extra credit option! That gives you a total of six chances to win!
I will announce the winner, chosen by, here in one week! Good luck!

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