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Artist Feature: Sassandperil

I’m a huge fan of Sassandperil! I can’t wait to stop by her table at the local art show Patchwork. Her work is so adorable and inspiring, I’m so glad I got to interview her!

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m Shannon Kennedy and I run a handmade product line and design business called sass&peril. I specialize in screenprinted art prints, stationery, journals, pillows, totes, and more. My style is clean and modern with a playful twist and I like that both kids and kids at heart can enjoy my work. I am also a freelance Graphic Designer who provides design services such as identity/branding, illustration, print/packaging design, surface design, and more.

Do you ever get designers block? If so, what do you do to find inspiration?
Surely! What I usually do when I find myself in a creative rut is I literally step away from it for a while. I’ll look at magazines, books, blogs, websites, visit vintage stores, boutiques, museums, or even do some traveling. You just never know what color combinations, patterns, typography and themes you will be exposed to when you step away from what you know.

What has been your most successful means of promoting your business?
Personally, the best promotion has been maintaining an online presence and inventory, taking great photos (and constantly improving those photos), and getting involved in social media. Staying on top of these outlets is a lot of work but it is essential to keep up with them in order to engage your audience and have them coming back for more. I would also have to credit some larger art & craft fairs that I have done for allowing me more exposure as well as the retail shops who carry, and also help to promote, my brand.

Not only do you sell online, but also in retail stores. How do you take that next step?
Well you certainly have to be prepared inventory-wise and also be organized in your business and record keeping. It can be a lot of work to establish new accounts and maintain them, but it can be such a great relationship and learning experience and I highly encourage getting involved with your local (and non-local shops). Many of the retailers I work with actually contacted me because I do sell online and they saw my work. A few of them I have personally reached out to because I felt like my products would fit well with their shop and aesthetic. Growing the business is my number one goal so having representation in many different parts of the country and world is key.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
When I have downtime or need a break I love being active. At my gym I take a Kickboxing class and do Yoga. I love taking long bike rides and playing basketball or going skateboarding with my boyfriend. I also love tending to my garden, playing with my kitties, and cooking up delicious veggie meals!

I hope you guys love her work as much as I do! Be sure to pay her links a visit!

Giveaway post this weekend! xo

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