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Sponsor Spotlight + Giveaway: Paisley Boulevard

Remember the tasty lip scrub recipe Colleen from Paisley Boulevard shared last week? Well she is back again with more goodies for you!

I’m Colleen and I have a lifestyle blog called Paisley Boulevard! I generally blog about my life and share fun projects and recipes! I’m a momma, a wife, and I also design blogs. I love vintage so I keep a small shop on Etsy. I am also sort of beauty product obsessed, and I LOVE creating diy beauty treatments. So yeah, all kinds of good stuff! I’d love for you to visit. 🙂

Today Colleen is offering one lucky reader a $25 gift certificate to Target! (Who doesn’t love Target??)  Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.

The winner will be announced here in one week and notified by e-mail. Good luck! xo JA

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