If you follow me on Snapchat, you already know. But for the rest of you, I can finally let the cat out of the bag! We’re moving to the East coast! I know, big change huh? We have contemplated this move for so long and finally feel like it is the right time. We’re looking forward to being sooooo much closer to our families.
Where on the East coast, you’re wondering? Yeah, we are wondering that too. We secured an Airbnb in Virginia for a month just to get us out there. During that month we plan to do a lot of exploring in nearby cities and states to find something more long-term. Wish us luck! It’s going to be quite the adventure, that’s for sure!
We will be driving across the country, with Penny, and I want to make sure I enjoy it. I’ll be closing my shops for an extended amount of time, but I still worry I will feel rushed to get back to work. Something about running a business, it’s just always on your mind no matter where you are or what you’re doing! But we plan to take our time, making plenty of fun stops along the way, and having an extended stay in Michigan to see my family before hitting the East coast.
Perhaps the most overwhelming part of this for me is moving the business. All my equipment, stock and office supplies are getting packed up into a pod and sent across the country. Omgomg. Please don’t get damaged and bent in transit. I love you my sweet baby cards.
I’m hoping that you will lighten the load a bit for me, so we’re hosting a HUGGEEE SALE!
Plus, FREE GIFT on orders over $30!
This offer IS valid on Last Chance Sale items.
This offer is NOT valid on Custom Card Sets.
Coupon expires June 30th.
Enjoy this sale!! And if you have any words of wisdom for moving, long road trips (with a dog!), or searching for a new place to live, please share. And get an in-the-moment glimpse at our traveling adventure by following it on Snapchat here! xo JA
This is so exciting!!! When are you coming through Michigan?
How exciting! I’ve been following your blog for a couple years now and can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve been inspired by you! I had an Etsy shop for a while and am all for self-employment and small business owners 🙂
Not sure if you’ll be searching in NC (where I live) but if you are, I’m happy to offer any help (I am a licensed real estate agent). Good luck with the cross country move and remember to smile!
Congratulations on the move! Best of luck on your search! I have been following you and your blog since you were featured on Etsy’s Quit Your Day Job. Might I suggest you check out Baltimore? It’s affordable and there is a cool arts scene here. Just a suggestion 😉