Next week I’m going to Michigan! The 20th-24th. My family is celebrating my grandparent’s 60th wedding anniversary. (60 years!!! Crazy.) Definitely something I can’t miss. It’s probably the only time I’ll be going home this year.
After my Michigan trip I will be home for about a week and then we are heading to San Francisco. We have a wedding booked on July 5th so we are going to stay a few extra days to enjoy the holiday with our friends who live there.
We fly home on July 7th and then the count down is on for my next craft shows. I’ll be preparing for Renegade Los Angeles on July 20th-21th (sharing a booth with Acute Designs!), and Renegade San Francisco on July 27th-28th (sharing a booth with Rouge & Whimsy!). If you live near either of these shows, come see me! Or shit. Even if you don’t, fly in and we’ll hang! ;]
I’m not sure what I was thinking applying to these two big shows back to back. But at the same time I’m really excited for the new experiences and the opportunities they will bring. Traveling to various shows around the country would be so amazing, so I’m excited to start the beginning of that experience doing my first show outside of Orange County.
And then August….aaahhh August. Nothing. No plans! And even some time to myself, since J will be out of town. Sounds like a perfect time to re-cooperate and relax….before September kicks in and we have two weekends of weddings (one being the day after my birthday. womp.), Mom visits, and a potential trip to the east coast.
Time is going to fly. Ever since I’ve been in California I have felt like time is flying. I can’t believe I’ve been here four years. Four! Now I sort of feel bad for telling my Mom I’d only be moving away for one year. You know, “just to try it out.” Oops.
Is your summer jam-packed or do you like to try to enjoy some time off? Any trips planned? Are you going to come visit me at the Renegade shows? xo JA

I will try and visit you at the one in LA. And in august, we can plan some beach days 🙂
I definitely have one big trip planned – going to San Francisco! More than 15 hours of time spent on a plane and at the airports! And I plan on going to the Renegade, yay 🙂
That’s about it, I’ll just eat icecream for the rest of the summer, hehe.
I have a crazy summer too and all of a sudden, june is almost half over!
Summers are the kind of time when being jam packed adds stress and excitement at the same time! There’s like this mad rush to get everything packed in while you can. I blame the school system for making that a habit from childhood, lol.
Despite the craziness, it looks like you’ll have a lot of new adventures! 🙂
You have so many exciting things to look forward to! And I am definitely going to try to come and see you at Renegade! Or before since we kind of live close to each other. 🙂 keep rocking it, girl!
You have so many exciting things to look forward to! And I am definitely going to try to come and see you at Renegade! Or before since we kind of live close to each other. 🙂 keep rocking it, girl!