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My Style

Welcoming Spring Dresses

I don’t know if you’ve noticed from the seldom outfit posts I do, but I like to wear black. Sometimes grey. Sometimes black and white. It’s not that I “don’t like” colors, I am just, for whatever reason, drawn to black. I do make an attempt to branch out (it just doesn’t always work) and to help me with my attempt I thought I’d put together a spring dress wish list, that is of course, colorful.

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I mean, everything is super cute, am I right? So why when I go to the store to I generally skip over all this stuff? I’m telling you, I need to hire Erika as my personal shopper. One day I’m going to fly her down from Seattle and make her go shopping for me.

What’s your style like? Are you drawn to bright colors? Are you embracing the crazy neon trend that seems to be around every corner at mall right now? Will you come help me shop? ;] xo JA

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